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我信任你,但不信任你的异性朋友 ,男友异性缘太好怎么办
As 不介意恋人有异性朋友的四个星座,水瓶信任你,射手没资格介意
an AI language model, I have no personal experience or bias towards astrology or zodiac signs. However, in general, a Taurus man is known for being loyal and committed in relationships. This can also extend to his friendships, including those with members of the opposite sex. A Taurus man values stability and security in his relationships. He is not quick to jump into anything new and prefers to take things slow to build a strong foundation. This means that he may not have a large number of close friends, but those that he does have are likely to be long-term. When it comes to friendships with women, a Taurus man is likely to be respectful and courteous, but may have some boundaries in place to ensure that he does not jeopardize his romantic relationship. He values honesty and will be open about his intentions and feelings, which can make for a strong and trusting friendship. Of course, individual personalities and experiences can vary greatly, and it is not fair to make sweeping generalizations about any group of people based on their zodiac sign. It is important to get to know an individual on a personal level rather than making assumptions based on broad categories. In short, a Taurus man is likely to value his friendships with members of the opposite sex and will treat them with respect and trust. However, he may have some bou「学习更多 企业名字知识请关注 :杜若取名网,WWW.imDuRuo.cOm」】ndaries in place to ensure that he does not jeopardize his romantic relationship, and will prioritize honesty and openness in all of his relationships.当男友是 白羊座,金牛座,双子座 ,会有什么样的 遭遇 呢


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