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passage 星座英语 巨蟹座的传说
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Legend of Gemini Gemini is one of the twelve zodiac signs, and its symbol is the twins. In Greek mythology, the twins are Castor and Pollux, the sons of Leda and Zeus. The story of Gemini begins with the story of Leda. Leda was a queen of Sparta, and she was married to King Tyndareus. One day, Zeus saw Leda and was struck by her beauty. He disguised himself as a swan and took her as his lover. As a result of their union, Leda laid two eggs. From one egg came Castor and Clytemnestra, the children of Tyndareus. From the other egg came Pollux and Helen, the children of Zeus. Castor and Pollux were inseparable, and they were known as the Dioscuri, or the heavenly twins. The twins had many adventures together. They sailed with Jason and the Argonauts, and they fought in the Trojan War. In one famous story, Castor was killed in battle, and Pollux was devastated. He begged Zeus to let him share his immortality with his brother, and Zeus granted his wish. From then on, the Dioscuri were known as the constellation Gemini. In astrology, Gemini is associated with communication, intellect, and duality. People born under this sign are said to be curious, adaptable, and sociable. They have a talent for learning new things, and they are often gifted with language and storytelling. The legend of Gemini reminds us that even in death, the bond of love between siblings can endure. 「学习更多 婚姻属相配对常识请关注 :爱姻缘网,wwW.IyinYuan.Cc〗Castor and Pollux were not just brothers, but also best friends who shared a connection that transcended mortality. The constellation Gemini is a symbol of their eternal brotherhood, and a reminder that the power of love can conquer even death itself.星座英语 The Story of Cancer 巨蟹座的传说


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