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G E S Edges are the boundaries that define us. They are the lines that separate one thing from another, the limits that we push against and, sometimes, the barriers we fail to overcome. Edges can be physical or metaphorical – the sharp edge of a knife or the emotional edge of a breaking heart. But no matter the form they take, edges are powerful. The edges of a book hold its pages together, providing structure and order to the chaotic world of words within. Without edges, the pages would flutter aimlessly in the breeze, never coalescing into a coherent narrative. We rely on edges to give shape to our stories, to give meaning to our lives. Yet edges can also be dangerous. The sharp edge of a cliff can lead to a fatal fall, the edge of a blade can cut us to the bone. And sometimes the edges we create for ourselves can become cages, trapping us in patterns of behavior or thought that no longer serve us. So how do we navigate our edges, both the internal and external ones? How do we stay safe without limiting ourselves, and how do we push past our limits without endangering ourselves? The answer, perhaps, lies in balance. We must strive to be mindful of our edges, to approach them with caution when necessary and with curiosity when possible. The edges of our lives are not fixed. They are constantly shifting and changing, depending on (学习更多 12生肖婚姻最佳配对知识请关注 :71星座网,wWw.71SpoRt.COM』the choices we make and the circumstances we find ourselves in. But with self-awareness and an open mind, we can learn to navigate these edges with grace and strength, and use them to propel us forward on our journey.读 中国疆域和行政区划示意图 .回答下列问题. 1 写出我国濒临海域的名称 边缘海① 内海② 2 我国领土的最北端和最东端均位于A 省.其省会是 ,最西端所在的省区


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