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Sag心玉短语 祈祷
ittarius Prayer Phrases As a Sagittarius, your adventurous spirit and desire for knowledge and truth make you a unique and inspiring presence in any room. Whether you are seeking guidance and direction in your personal life or seeking to connect with a higher power, prayer can be a powerful tool for helping you find clarity and peace. Here are some Sagittarius prayer phrases to help you tap into your innate strength and wisdom: 1. "May my arrow fly true and my heart be strong in the face of challenge." Sagittarians are known for their courageous, independent spirits – this prayer rec{领略更多 星座每日运势文章请关注 :运势网,wWw.iyUNShi.cC〕)ognizes your innate bravery and determination to keep moving forward no matter what obstacles you may face. 2. "I praise the beauty and majesty of the world, and seek to honor it with my deeds." As a Sagittarius, you are instinctively drawn to nature and to the wonders of the world around you. This prayer acknowledges your love and appreciation for the natural world, and encourages you to act in ways that honor and protect it. 3. "May my journey forward be guided by my intuition and inner truth." Sagittarians are also known for their keen intuition and deep sense of inner truth. This prayer encourages you to trust your instincts and follow your inner voice, even when the path ahead may be unclear. 4. "I seek knowledge and understanding, and the courage to act on what I learn." Sagittarians are lifelong learners and seekers of truth. This prayer recognizes your thirst for knowledge and encourages you to act on the insights and wisdom you gain along the way. 5. "May I be a beacon of light and hope for those around me, sharing my strength and joy with others." Finally, this prayer recognizes the special role that Sagittarians often play in the lives of those around them. Whether through your infectious energy, your inspiring words, or your courageous deeds, you have the power to lift others up and spread joy and positivity wherever you go. No matter what your personal beliefs may be, these Sagittarius prayer phrases can serve as powerful tools for recognizing your own innate strengths and seeking guidance and direction in your life's journey. So go forth with confidence and courage, knowing that you are a beloved child of the universe, guided by the stars and your own inner light.苏珊米勒每日运势2018年12月25日


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