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原来可以按照星座选英文名 看看你的英文名,选对了吗
cer, The Crab, The Moon Child, The Protector, The Nurturer, The Homebody – these are just a few of the names associated with the zodiac sign of Cancer. As the fourth sign of the zodiac, those born under the influence of Cancer are often known for their sensitive and emotional nature. They tend to be compassionate and caring individuals who value family and stability in their lives. The symbol of Cancer is the crab, which represents their tendency to retreat into their shells when they feel threatened or stressed. This can make them appear moody or temperamental to others, but it is simply a protective m{《分析更多 十二星座性格知识请关注 :好星座网,Www.hAOxingzUO.Cc〕echanism for them. In addition to their nurturing and protective instincts, those born under the sign of Cancer are also known for their intuition and psychic abilities. They are often able to sense the emotions and needs of others, and can be excellent listeners and confidants. The ruling planet of Cancer is the moon, which is associated with emotions and the subconscious. This further reinforces the sensitive and intuitive nature of those born under this sign. The home is also a crucial aspect of Cancer’s personality, as they value comfort and security above all else. They tend to be excellent homemakers and enjoy decorating and creating a warm and inviting environment for themselves and their loved ones. Overall, Cancer is a complex and multifaceted sign with many different names and characteristics associated with it. Their sensitivity, nurturing nature, and psychic abilities make them valuable members of any community, while their tendency to retreat into their shells can also make them challenging at times. But with patience and understanding, those born under this sign can truly thrive and make a positive impact on the world around them.与星座相配的英文名字


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