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上醒来,我深深地感到有些奇怪,《推荐更多 十二星座运势运程常识请关注 :星座说,WwW.xingZUoSHUo.Cc]好像做了一场很奇怪的梦。
The sun was shining bright and the birds were chirping around me. I felt a sense of peace and tranquility, like I was in heaven. As I walked further into the fields, I realised that the rice plants were towering above me, like skyscrapers. The stalks were thick and the grains of rice were bigger than any I had seen before. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a sight to behold. I continued to walk through the rice paddy and saw that the rice was so plentiful that it was spilling out of the fields and into the surrounding countryside. People were arriving from all directions to gather the rice and load it onto trucks and carts. They were smiling and laughing and it was a beautiful sight to see. The rice seemed to never end, it was everywhere I looked. I felt grateful and blessed to be in the presence of such abundance. It made me think about how many people in the world are starving and don't have enough to eat. I wished they could see this place and have a taste of the plentiful rice that was around me. As I woke up from my dream, I felt refreshed and continued to have a sense of peace and contentment. The dream helped me to appreciate the simple things in life, and reminded me of the importance of gratitude and appreciation. Although it was just a dream, I felt like I had experienced something special. I will always remember my dream of the plentiful rice fields and use it as a reminder to always be grateful for what I have in my life.大米为啥会长虫 生虫的大米还能吃吗 老农给出答案,扔了太可惜


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