Role of Marksmen in League of Legends In the game of League of Legends, there are five roles that players can choose from: top laner, jungler, mid laner, support, and marksman. The marksman, or commonly known as the ADC (attack damage carry), is a key role, as they are responsible for dealing most of the team's damage and securing kills. Marksmen are ranged champions, armed with powerful weapons such as bows and guns. They rely heavily on their basic attacks, which deal physical damage, and their abilities, which enhance their attack power, spe〔分析更多 十二属相顺序文章请关注 :天天生肖配对网,wWw.pEidUi365.Com』ed, and critical strike chance. Marksmen are also the most fragile champions, as they have low health and are vulnerable to being bursted down by enemy assassins. In the early game, marksmen rely on their support to help them survive the laning phase, as they are weak and can easily be harassed by the opposing laners. Once they reach level six, marksmen can start to assert dominance, as they have access to their ultimate abilities and can start pushing objectives with their team. In team fights, marksmen are the primary targets for enemy assassins and tanks, as they deal significant damage if left unchecked. Consequently, marksmen need to position themselves well and keep a safe distance from the enemy frontline. They also need to kite, or move away from enemy champions while still attacking, to avoid being caught and killed. Overall, marksmen play a crucial role in League of Legends. They are powerful carry champions that deal significant damage in team fights and can become crucial for securing objectives. However, they are also fragile and require careful positioning and communication with their team to succeed. If you enjoy playing ranged champions and want to deal massive damage, marksmen may be the role for you.