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中国最热30个名字出炉 看明星如何给子女起名字
In 震撼 罕见六胞胎齐登场,看看人家是咋过日子的 太可爱了
recent years, it has become a trend for foreign celebrities to give their children Chinese names, mainly influenced by the country's rich cultural heritage and the global influence of the Chinese language. Let's take a look at some of the most famous celebrities who have given their children Chinese names. 1. Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin The former couple named their daughter Apple back when she was born in 2004, but in 2015, Paltrow revealed that they had given her a Chinese name as well, namely Mei. Mei is a beautiful Chinese name that means "beautiful". 2. Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan The tech mogul and his wife, who is of Chinese descent, are fluent in Mandarin and have given their two daughters Chinese middle names. Their first daughter, Ma{《分析更多 十二星座性格知识请关注 :好星座网,Www.hAOxingzUO.Cc〕xima, was given the Chinese name Chen Mingyu, while their second daughter, August, was given the name Chen Mingxi. 3. Kobe Bryant and Vanessa Bryant The late basketball legend and his wife gave their daughters Chinese middle names to honor Vanessa's Chinese heritage. Their oldest daughter, Natalia, was given the name Shénméi (simplified: 申美), which means "divine beauty", while their younger daughter, Gianna, was given the name Bìyù (simplified: 碧玉), which means "jade". 4. Beyoncé and Jay-Z The music power couple famously named their daughter Blue Ivy, but according to reports, they have also given her a Chinese name, which is Lán Hǎi (simplified: 蓝海), which means "blue sea". 5. Nicolas Cage The actor named his son Kal-El after the birth name of Superman, but in 2016, he revealed that he had also given him a Chinese name, namely Lóng Yǔ (simplified: 龙宇), which means "dragon universe". In conclusion, giving children Chinese names has become a way for foreign celebrities to connect with Chinese culture and express their admiration for its rich history and traditions. These names not only sound beautiful but also carry deep meanings that reflect the parents' hopes and aspirations for their children.3位热爱中国的外国明星,让女儿入中国国籍,而她成为中国儿媳


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