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ently, a foreign man named Jack was given the privilege of naming a pair of twin babies. As he was not familiar with Chinese naming conventions, he sought the guidance of the babies’ parents to better understand the meaning behind the characters. Upon learning about the values and beliefs of the parents, Jack decided to name one of the twins “Hope” and the other “Joy”. He explained that he chose these names because they represented positive and uplifting emotions that would be fitting for the babies’ future. The parents expressed their gratitude towards Jack for his thoughtful and meaningful name choices. They believed the names Hope a「研习更多 星座基本常识常识请关注 :星花生肖星座网,Www.xinGHUa123.COM』)nd Joy would not only bring happiness and optimism to the twins themselves, but also to those around them. The babies’ birth brought a newfound excitement to Jack’s life. He felt proud of the names he had chosen for the twins and looked forward to watching them grow and develop over time. As he played with the babies and held them in his arms, he felt the warmth of their presence and knew that their names would hold special meaning for him for years to come. Overall, the experience of naming these twins provided an opportunity for cultural exchange and deepened Jack’s appreciation for the Chinese culture. It also demonstrated the powerful impact that a name can have on a person’s identity and sense of self.给双胞胎起英文名有学问


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