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on - A Constellation of Beauty and Mythology Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky. Named after a hunter from Greek mythology, it is also known as the Hunter and can be seen from almost every「领略更多 生肖月份查询资讯请关注 :含笑生肖性格网,wWW.iMHAnxiaO.cOM」 corner of the globe. The constellation is made up of several bright stars, with three forming the belt of the hunter. In mythology, Orion was the son of the sea god Poseidon and was known for his extraordinary hunting skills. He was also said to be in love with the goddess Artemis, but met an untimely end as a result of Apollo's jealousy. Despite his tragic end, the image of Orion as a skilled hunter has endured throughout history. The star Betelgeuse is perhaps the most famous star in Orion. It is a red supergiant and one of the largest known stars, with a diameter more than 1,000 times that of our Sun. Betelgeuse is nearing the end of its life and is expected to go supernova in the next few thousand years. When it does, it will create a dazzling display in the night sky, visible from Earth. Orion is also home to several notable nebulae, including the Great Orion Nebula. This glowing cloud of gas and dust is a stellar nursery, where new stars are born. It is visible to the naked eye and is one of the most studied objects in the night sky. The beauty and mythology of Orion have captured the imaginations of people for thousands of years. It is a reminder of the enduring power and mystery of the universe. As we gaze up at the Hunter in the night sky, we are reminded of our place in the cosmos and the wonder that surrounds us.天文竞赛领跑杭州城,中英双语科普 太阳系


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