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My 泰国三名男同性恋者举行婚礼 满满的都是基情
Thai husband is an amazing person. His name is Somchai and he is a kind and gentle man with a big heart. Somchai is originally from Bangkok, Thailand but he moved to the United States many years ago. Even though he has been away from his home country for so long, he still holds onto his Thai roots and loves to introduce me to his culture and traditions. One of the things I love most about Somchai is his love of food. He is an amazing cook and loves to whip up traditional Thai dishes in the kitchen. He has introduced me to so many new flavors and ingred「学习更多 十二星座运势内容请关注 :星缘网,Www.ixinGyuaN.cC]】ients that I never would have tried on my own. Somchai is especially proud of his curry dishes and he will spend hours in the kitchen perfecting his recipe until it's just right. Another thing I admire about Somchai is his dedication to his family. He has a deep respect and love for his parents and siblings, and he always makes an effort to stay in touch with them despite the distance. Somchai is also a great father to our children and is always there to support them and encourage them in their endeavors. Finally, I love Somchai's positive outlook on life. He is always looking for the good in people and situations and he has a strong faith that everything will work out in the end. This mindset has helped him overcome many challenges in his life, and he is a great role model for our children when it comes to facing adversity with grace and optimism. Overall, I feel incredibly lucky to be married to Somchai. He is a wonderful husband, father, and friend, and I am grateful for everything he brings to our lives.泰国三名男同性恋情人节举行婚礼 成全球首例


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