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ra Dates 2022: What the Stars Have in Store for You Are you a Libra looking forward to the year 2022? Well, get ready because the stars have a lot in store for you! But first things first, let's focus on your Libra dates for 2022. The Libra zodiac sign spans from September 23 to October 22, which means that you are a Libra if you were born between these two dates. In 2022, the sun will enter Libra on September 23, marking the start of your astrological season. This will be the time when you will feel most in tune with your Libra traits, such as your natural diplomacy, balance, and love of beauty. However, don't forget that your astrological chart is unique. You may have other planets in different signs, which will affect the way 2022 unfolds for you. So, let's see what the stars have to say about your Libra horoscope for 2022. In the first half of the year, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, will be in your communication sector. This means that you will be blessed with lots of opportunities to network, connect with others, and express yourself. You may also find that you receive lots of positive feedback for your creative work or your witty banter. However, in the middle of May, Jupiter will shift into your home and family sector, which could mean a change of pace. You may find that you're spending more time at home, perhaps even considering a move to a new place. You may also reconnect with family members or deepen your relationships with your current household. A solar eclipse on October 25 will fall in your sign, which is a major event for any Libra. Solar eclipses are all about new beginnings, so this could signal a time when you start a fresh chapter in your life. Whether it's a new job or a new relationship, don't be afraid to embrace the change! Finally, 2022 closes out with a lunar eclipse on December 18 in your career sector. This could bring a moment of reckoning when it comes to your professional goals. Perhaps it's time to pivot or take a bold step forward in your career. Overall, 2022 is looking like a promising year for Libras. So, get ready to enjoy the ride and make the most of your Libra dates!英语年份日期时间表述太难 三张图解决问题 快收起来 难点


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