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毕业季 18级动漫专业优秀毕业作品展 上
Tit毕业季 18级动漫专业优秀毕业作品展 上
le: The Story of a Taurus In the great universe, there was a planet called Taurus. On this planet, there lived a creature named "Taurean." Like other creatures, Taureans were also born, grew up and faced various challenges throughout their lives. However, what made them different were their personality traits which defined them as loyal, patient, and stubborn creatures. One such Taurean, named Tess, lived on the outskirts of the planet. She was known for her hardworking nature and her love for nature. Tess was a farmer by profession, and she spent most of her time growing crops in the fields. Even though she had modern technology available to her, she preferred to use traditional methods of farming, believing that they were more effective and healthier. Her friends and family often teased her about it, but Tess never wavered from her beliefs. One day, the planet's ruler, a wise old sage named Orion, announced that a severe drought was approaching the planet. There would be no rainfall for a year, and everyone had to prepare for the worst. People listened to his advice and started storing water and food for the months to come. However, Tess refused to believe that there would be no rain. She continued to work hard in the fields, hoping that somehow, it would rain. Months passed, and there was still no sign of rain. Taureans began to despair, but Tess remained optimistic. She worked tirelessly day and night, doing whatever she could to make the best of the situation. Eventually, her hard work paid off. The plants she had grown with her traditional farming methods were healthier and stronger than any other plants on the planet. They could withstand the drought and adapt to the harsh conditions. As time passed, the other Taureans came to realize that Tess's traditional methods were indeed effective. They started imitating her ways and began to appreciate the beauty of nature. With Tess's help, the planet was saved from the drought, and life went back to normal. In conclusion, Tess's story teaches us that it is essential to hold onto our beliefs even when others do not believe in them. Her loyalty and patience to her traditional farming methods and her love for nature, even in the face of a severe drought, saved the planet from danger. Therefore, we should always trust ourselves and never lose hope, for our beliefs may be the key to our success.毕业季 18级动漫专业优秀毕业作品展 上


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