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走读城市 下扬州⑥ 可曾错过了城郊的大明寺
帝王墓瘦西湖 带你走进江苏最值得外国人去的旅游胜地
州琼花 is a famous flower exhibition held annually in the city of Yangzhou. The event attracts thousands of visitors from around the world every year. This year, it is scheduled to be held from April 2nd to April 18th, and the theme of the exhibition is "Spring in Yangzhou". The exhibition will showcase a variety of flowers and plants, including the Ya{分析更多 十二生肖星座配对资讯请关注 :星座123网,wWw.xiNgzUo123.cC〗」ngzhou chrysanthemum, peony, and plum blossom. There will also be cultural activities such as painting and calligraphy demonstrations, folk music performances, and traditional Chinese tea ceremonies. The Yangzhou chrysanthemum is a special flower that is unique to this region. It has a long history and is deeply loved by the people of Yangzhou. The flower is known for its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and delicate fragrance. It is often used as a symbol of good fortune and happiness. In addition to the chrysanthemum, visitors to the exhibition will also have the opportunity to see other beautiful flowers, such as the peony and plum blossom. These flowers are also cherished in Chinese culture and are often used in art and literature to symbolize different themes. Apart from admiring the beautiful flowers, visitors can also participate in various cultural activities and learn about the rich history and traditions of the region. The exhibition is a great way to experience the culture and beauty of Yangzhou, and it is not to be missed. In conclusion, the Yangzhou chrysanthemum and other flowers showcased in the exhibition are a true reflection of the beauty and culture of the region. The event provides a wonderful opportunity for visitors to enjoy the vibrant colors and scents of these flowers, as well as learn about the traditions and customs of Yangzhou.自古以来,人们对琼花的喜爱只增不减,开花迷人,像极了白绣球


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