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星座故事 十二星座的美丽传说之双鱼座
Origin of Pisces Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac, falling between Aquarius and Aries. It is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, connected by a cord or thread. The origin of the Pisces constellation and its symbolism can be traced back to ancient mythology and astronomy. In Greek mythology, Pisces is associated with the story of Aphrodite and Eros, the goddess of love and her son. When they were threatened by the monster Typhon, they transformed themselves into fish and swam away together. The two fish in the constellation are said to represent Aphrodite and Eros, forever immortalized in the night sky. The constellation of Pisces has been documented since ancient times, with its first recognition credited to the Babylonians in the 2nd millennium BCE. Later, the ancient Greeks and Romans also included the constellation in their celestial maps. In addition to mythology, the Pisces constellation also played an important role in early astronomy. In the early days of navigation, sailors used the stars to guide their ships, and the constellation of Pisces was considered to be an important marker for traders and travelers. It was used as a key reference point for navigation for centuries. In astrology, Pisces is considered to be a water sign, representing intuition, creativity, and emotions. Those born under this sign are said to be empathetic, compassionate, and artistic. They are also known to be sensitive and often take on the emotions of others, making them excellent listeners and friends. In conclusion, the Pisces constellation and its symbolism have a rich history rooted in ancient mythology and astronomy. Its two fish swimming in opposite directions continue to inspire poets, artists, and astrologers around the world. As we look up and gaze at the stars, it is impossible not to be captivated by the beauty and mystery of the twelfth zodiac sign, Pisces.12星座最好听的英文名大推荐


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