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阿宝塔罗预测 天蝎座2019年运势详解
Tit善音若旖 来,一边喝咖啡一边算塔罗
le: The Tower Card: A Time of Change and Rebuilding The Tower card in the Tarot deck symbolizes a significant change in one's life. It represents a time of upheaval and destruction, but also of the opportunity for renewal and rebuilding. When this card appears in a reading, it may indicate that a significant change is about to occur in your life that will leave you feeling disoriented and uncertain. However, the Tower card also signals that the change will be necessary and ultimately lead to positive outcomes. The destruction represented by the falling tower can be seen as a metaphorical shedding of old ideas, beliefs, and habits that are no longer serving you. This process can be difficult and painful, but it is necessary for growth and development. In a way, the Tower card is like a wake-up call that forces you to confront issues that you may have been avoiding. It may be uncomfortable, but the card is a reminder that sometimes we need to face adversity to learn and grow. Although the Tower card can be intimidating, it can also be seen as a time of great potential and rebuilding. Once the old ways have been cleared away, there is room for new ideas and opportunities to flourish. It's important to embrace this change and look for ways to rebuild your life in a way that is more authentic and true to yourself. In conclusion, the Tower card is a reminder that change can be difficult but necessary for growth and development. While it can be uncomfortable, it also signals a time of opportunity and rebuilding. Embrace this change and take the opportunity to create a more authentic and fulfilling life for yourself.塔罗占心术 12月将至,桃运旺盛,运势雨过天晴,爱情运势如何


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