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As 巨蟹座男人不爱一个人是什么表现 巨蟹座为什么也有渣男吗
a Cancer, I am notorious for being someone who doesn't like explaining themselves. It's not that I don't care about others' opinions or that I am unwilling to open up, it's simply that I prefer to keep things to myself. For instance, when someone asks me why I didn't make it to an appointment or why I can't attend a social event, I usually give a vague answer and move on. It's not that I want to be rude or evasive, it's just that I don't feel the need to justify myself to others. I know my reasons, and that's enough for me. This trait of mine can often lead to misunderstandings or hurt feelings. People might think that I am being distant or uninterested in them when in reality, I am just being my introverted self. That's why I try my best to communicate my boundaries and needs in a gentle and clear manner. I don't like to leave loose ends or unresolved conflicts, so I do my best to adress all of my concerns despite the discomfort it may cause. In love and in friendship, this tendency of mine can also be challenging. I am sure that many of my exes or friends have wondered why I didn't open up more or why I didn't share more about myself. It's not that I don't trust them or that I don't want to be close, it's just that I don't feel the need to bare my soul or constantly analyze my emotions. I value the intimacy and trust that comes from spending time together and creating shared memories more than anything else. All in all, being a Cancer who doesn't like explaining themselves can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it allows me to protect my privacy and maintain a sense of independence. On the other hand, it can sometimes come across as aloof or indifferent to others' needs. However, I think that, as long as I make an effort to communicate and be honest with myself and others, this trait can become a strength instead of a weakness.失望攒够了就会离开的星座 你若漫不经心,我便不再自作多情


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