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Lif13幅英文漫画改变你的一生 你所期望的人生,没有那么难
e is Just a Sum of Numbers In life, it is often said that everything is just a sum of numbers. This may seem like a cold and detached way of looking at the world, but in truth, it is a quite accurate description of how we live our lives. From the moment we are born, we are assigned a set of numbers that will define us for the rest of our lives. Our weight, length, and time of birth are all recorded and added to our medical records. As we grow older, we are assigned a number for our age, our height, and our weight. We are given a social security number, a credit score, and a bank account number. We are defined by our grades, our salaries, and our net worth. Even our relationships are assigned a numerical value - the number of friends we have, the number of likes on our social media posts, and the number of romantic partners we have had. While it may seem depressing to think of ourselves in this mechanical way, it is important to remember that these numbers do not define us entirely. They are simply tools that we use to measure our progress and to help us navigate through life. Moreover, they are not set in stone - we can always change the numbers if we work hard enough. It is important to remember that we are not just numbers. We are complex and dynamic beings with thoughts, emotions, and personalities that cannot be quantified. We have the power to transcend our numbers and to make a meaningful impact on the world. In conclusion, while it may be accurate to say that life is just a sum of numbers, we should not let this idea define us entirely. We are more than just the numbers that are assigned to us. It is up to us to use those numbers to achieve our goals and to make a positive difference in the world.有关励志的英语格言大全


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