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做梦 英语怎么说,真的是 make dream 吗
n it comes to dreaming, everyone experiences it differently. Some people have vivid and colorful dreams while others barely remember their dreams at all. However, no matter how we dream, it is a fascinating and mysterious experience that we still don't fully understand. When we talk about our dreams in English, we usually use the verb "to dream" and the phrase "to have a dream". For example, "I had a dream about flying" or "last night, I dreamed of my old childhood friend". We also use the word "dream" as a noun to describe the experience of dreaming, such as "I had a strange dream last night" or "my dreams are usually very weird and confusing". Another interesting thing about dreaming is that we often use metaphors or idioms to describe our dreams. For example, we might say "I was living in a dream world" to describe a situation that is fantastical and unrealistic, or "it was like a dream come true" to express extreme happiness or excitement. However, even though dreaming can be fun and entertaining, it can also be perplexing and even disturbing. Some people suffer from nightmares or recurring dreams that are frightening or unsettling. In English, we refer to these types of dreams as bad dreams or nightmares. In conclusion, dreaming is a fascinating aspect of human experience that has puzzled scientists and psychologists for centuries. Whether we have pleasant or unpleasant dreams, they offer a glimpse into our subconscious minds and our deepest desires and fears. So the next time we have a dream, let's take a moment to reflect on its meanings and messages - who knows what insights we may gain.广州番禺学英语口语 纯英语环境 做梦也在说英语


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