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Do 英文起名软件手机版 英文起名app安卓版 1.3 极光下载站
monks have the ability to give names to people? This is a common question that people have, particularly those who are not familiar with the practices and customs of Buddhism. In Buddhist tradition, monks are often asked to give names to newborn babies or to those who are undergoing a spiritual transformation. The naming ceremony is typically done through a process called "pindapata," which is a ritual in which the monk accepts alms from the community and offers blessings and prayers in return. The naming process in Buddhism is believed to be an important one because it is believed that a person's name can influence their destiny and personality. Therefore, the monk will take great care in choosing a name that reflects the child's potential and character. However, it is important to note that not all monks are trained to give names, and not all Buddhist communities practice this tradition. In some cases, parents will choose a name for their child based on their own beliefs and cultural practices. So, to answer the question, yes, monks may have the ability to give names, but it is not a universal practice in Buddhism. Rather, it is a tradition that varies depending on the community and individual monk. In conclusion, the practice of monks giving names in Buddhism speaks to the importance of cultivating a positive and meaningful identity. Whether it is through a naming ceremony or other spiritual practices, Buddhism encourages individuals to develop a sense of self that reflects their innate goodness and potential for enlightenment.19岁英国女孩狂赚260万,就靠帮中国的家长们给孩子起英文名,已为67.7万中国孩子起名


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