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zy Taurus: The Bull That Rocks! The Taurus zodiac sign is sometimes referred to as the bull of the zodiac, and for good reason. Tauruses are known for their stubbornness, persistence, and determination. But, when it comes to being crazy, they take things to a whole new level! If you know someone born under the Taurus sign, you know just how passionate they can be about their interests. They are the type of people who will work relentlessly to achieve their goals, even if it means sacrificing their social life or sleep. Tauruses are also known to be excessively materialistic – they love the finer things in life and will go to great lengths to acquire them. But, the craziest thing about a Taurus is their temper. When they're angry, it's like the world has stopped spinning. They can become aggressive and bull-headed (pun intended) when provoked. This is especially true if their values or beliefs are being challenged. However, Tauruses also have a soft side. They are incredibly loyal and will fiercely protect the people they love. This loyalty can extend to material possessions too! If you've borrowed something from a Taurus, make sure you return it in pristine condition, or you'll face the wrath of the bull. In conclusion, the Taurus zodiac sign is one of the most passionate and hardworking signs of the zodiac. They are materialistic and value their possessions, but they also have a big heart and will fiercely defend those they love. And, when it comes to their temper, well, just make sure you don't push them over the edge! So, if you encounter a crazily stubborn Taurus, just let them be. They might be bull-headed, but they're also kind and caring beneath the surface. Let them work towards their goals and you'll see that they'll bring their signature determination and persistence to anything they do!金牛男女 耽于享乐 有点懒惰


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