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tor and Pollux are the twin star system located in the constellation of Gemini. These two stars are some of the brightest stars in the sky and have been recognized and observed by humans for thousands of years. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that Castor and Pollux were the guiding stars of sailors and warriors. They were also associated with the mythological twins Castor and Pollux, who were born from an egg and shared immortality. Castor was mortal and a skilled horseman, while Pollux was immortal and a great fighter. They were inseparable and had many adventures together. Today, Castor and Pollux are still studied and admired for their unique properties. Castor is actually a sextuple star system, meaning that there are six stars orbiting around each other. Pollux is a red giant, much larger than our own sun, and also has a planet orbiting around it. Scientists have used modern technology to study these stars and learn more about their properties and how they were formed. They have discovered that the stars were likely formed at different times and in different ways, which has led to their unique structures and behaviors. Castor and Pollux continue to inspire and captivate people around the world, both in mythology and in modern science. Their presence in the night sky reminds us of the vastness and wonder of our universe, and the mysteries that still remain to be discovered.古代航海家的保护神 双子座两颗最亮的恒星


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