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ces, the twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac cycle, is characterized by its imaginative and sensitive nature. Its ruling planet is Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, and its element is water. Pisces is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, which symbolizes the duality of this sign. People born under this sign are often described as artistic, compassionate, and intuitive. They have a strong connection to their emotions and are deeply empathetic towards others. Pisces are natural dreamers and have a vivid imagination, which often leads them to pursue creative pursuits like music, art, and writing. They are also known for their ability to see beyond the surface and pick up on subtle cues and emotions. Despite their compassionate nature, Pisces can sometimes struggle to assert themselves and set boundaries. They can be easily influenced by others, which can make them vulnerable to manipulation. Pisces also have a tendency to escape reality when things get overwhelming, which can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms. In friendships and relationships, Pisces value authenticity and emotional connection. They thrive in relationships that allow them to be vulnerable and share their deepest thoughts and feelings. However, they can also be prone to idealizing their partners and overlooking red flags. Career-wise, Pisces excel in fields that allow them to express their creativity and empathy. They make great artists, writers, musicians, therapists, and social workers. However, they may struggle in fast-paced and competitive environments, as the stress and pressure can take a toll on their emotional we「学习更多 十二生肖运程文章请关注 :星座号,wwW.XIngzUohaO.Cc」ll-being. In summary, Pisces are compassionate and imaginative individuals with a strong intuition and deep connection to their emotions. While they struggle with setting boundaries and can be prone to escapism, they excel in creative and empathetic careers and value authentic relationships.四季英语怎么发音


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