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er sign Aquarius and Scorpio, a fixed water sign, can have a complex and difficult relationship. Scorpio wants deep emotional connections and intensity, while Aquarius values independence and freedom. However, if they can find a balance and mutual respect, they can have a strong and fulfilling partnership. When Aquarius is in Scorpio's company, they need to be aware of their tendency to detach and intellectualize emotions. Scorpio will see through this and may interpret it as Aquarius not caring enough, which can lead to hurt feelings and mistrust. Aquarius needs to learn to express their feelings in a more personal and intimate way, and Scorpio needs to understand that Aquarius processes emotions differently. On the other hand, Scorpio can provide Aquarius with the emotional depth they often crave. Scorpio is passionate and intense and can help bring Aquarius out of their detached shell. Aquarius can also appreciate Scorpio's(分析更多 12星座配对查询-文章请关注 :酷立星座网,WwW.IKuLi.cC〗 honesty and intuition, which can help them see situations in a new light. As for the specific placement of Aquarius in Scorpio's chart, it can indicate a need for independence and individuality within the relationship. Aquarius in the 7th house, which represents partnerships, may suggest that Aquarius values their own identity within relationships and may struggle with merging too much with Scorpio. Scorpio in turn needs to understand and respect Aquarius' need for space and individuality. Overall, Aquarius and Scorpio can have a powerful and transformative relationship if they are able to find a balance between intensity and detachment, and mutual respect for each other's needs and values.天蝎座男和水瓶座女谈恋爱好吗 天蝎座和水瓶座配对指数


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