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英语老师直言不讳 我班64人38个满分,只因吃透这份 顺口溜
"Ca中考英语满分学霸 为偷懒 我只背顺口溜,初中英语从未低于145
ncer Zodiac, Here's Your Rhyme" - An Insight into the Crab Cancer born with a sensitive core, Caring and nurturing, they can't ignore, Their emotions(推荐更多 12生肖婚姻配对常识请关注 :牡丹星座网,wWW.iMudAn.cC』 rule with every step, But don't underestimate their winning rep. Crabs may retreat to their shell, But their loyalty never fails to tell, Protection and comfort is their aim, Loved ones' happiness, their ultimate fame. Their intuitive nature helps them see, What others miss, effortlessly, Seas of creativity, endless in flow, Cancers can't contain, and that's a glow. Family and home, central to their heart, Memories and traditions, curated art, Nurturing relationships, they can't help but feel, And to their loved ones, they'll always appeal. Cancer's softness can mask their strength, Their tenacity, length and breadth, Fearless warriors of their dreams, Their success always, as it seems. So, when it comes to a Cancer's rhyme, It's a mixture of softness and fight, you'll find, Their hearts are pure, their loyalty prime, A true friend, a Cancer is, anytime. In conclusion, Cancerians are known for their emotional depth, creative prowess and loyalty. They value tradition, family, and protection and are willing to fight for their dreams. Their intuitive nature and caring disposition make them great friends and family members. They may seem soft on the outside, but don't underestimate their strength and tenacity. Cancers are an asset to any group or relationship and should be valued for all they bring to the table.英语顺口溜


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