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EXC金牛男女 耽于享乐 有点懒惰
LUSIVE: The Taurus surname that has taken the fashion industry by storm The Taurus surname has become a hot topic in the fashion industry as more and more successful entrepreneurs with this name are emerging. Known for their hard work and determination, those with the Taurus surname have built successful fashion brands, influenced fashion trends, and made their mark in the world of luxury fashion. One of the most notable Taurus entrepreneurs is Stella McCartney. Born in London in 1971, McCartney is the daughter of Sir Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney. She launched her own fashion label in 2001 and has since become one of the most influential designers in the industry. McCartney's brand is known for its environmentally-friendly practices and animal-free products, which also reflects her Taurus traits of being practical, responsible and kind-hearted. Another fashion industry leader with the Taurus surname is Belgian designer Dries Van Noten. Born in Antwerp in 1958, Van Noten debuted his first collection in Paris in 1991. His brand is known for its unique prints and avant-garde designs, which showcase his artistic and creative side – classic traits of a Taurus. His fashion shows often feature live music, reflecting his appreciation for art and culture. In addition to these two big names, there are also many up-and-coming fashion stars with the Taurus surname. Yara Shahidi, the American actress known for her role in TV series Black-ish and Grown-ish, is also establishing herself within the fashion world. Her style is sophisticated, yet playful and reflects her Taurus traits of being dependable and have a good sense of humor. Finally, there is also model and social media influencer Jordan Barrett. Born in Australia, Barrett has worked with brands like Versace and Calvin Klein and was voted 'Model of the Year' in 2016. Known for his stylish wardrobe and carefree attitude, Barrett fits the Taurus personality of being fashionable and laid-back. In conclusion, the Taurus surname{阅读更多 十二星座查询常识请关注 :若雪星座网,wWW.iRuoXuE.Cc』 has become synonymous with fashion success in recent years. From established designers to emerging stars, those with this name have made their mark on the industry and continue to inspire new trends and developments. Their dedication and hard work reflect their Taurus traits, making the Taurus surname one to watch for the future of fashion.姓氏星座壁纸


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