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As 双子座的守护神
for the guardian angel of Gemini, it is believed that the Greek mythological figure Hermes is the deity that watches over those born under this constellation. Hermes, also known as the messenger of the gods, is known for his quick w《学习更多 免费解梦分析知识请关注 :橙花解梦网,WWw.IMchenGHua.COMit, communication skills, and ability to adapt to any situation. These qualities are often attributed to those born under the sign of Gemini, who are known for being social, communicative, and adaptable. In addition, Hermes is often depicted with wings on his feet, giving him the ability to move quickly and without restraint. This trait also reflects the restless nature of Gemini individuals, who are constantly seeking new experiences and challenges. Furthermore, Hermes is associated with trade and commerce, as well as with creativity and invention. These attributes are reflected in the dual nature of those born under Gemini, who are often skilled in areas such as writing, art, and innovation. As a guardian angel, Hermes is said to offer guidance and protection to those born under the sign of Gemini. He is believed to be a source of inspiration and creativity, as well as a mentor for those seeking to improve their communication skills and social connections. Overall, the association between Gemini and Hermes reflects the multifaceted nature of this constellation. The qualities and traits attributed to this guardian angel mirror the characteristics of those born under this sign, making Hermes an important figure for those seeking guidance and protection.我5月4日过生日一直都是过阴历,我是什麽星座


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