rpio Sign Character Traits Scorpio is the eighth zodiac sign and is ruled by the planet Mars. People born between October 23 and November 21 fall under this sign. They are known for being intense, passionate, and intuitive individuals. One of the most distinctive traits of Scorpios is their mysterious nature. They are often seen as elusive and enigmatic. They tend to hide their emotions and thoughts behind a veil of secrecy, which can make it difficult for others to understand them. Although they might seem distant, Scorpios are highly passionate and possessive individuals. They are fiercely loyal to their loved ones and will do anything to protect them. Scorpios are also known for their intensity. They are deeply emotional and prone to experiencing extremes of pleasure and pain. Scorpios have a sharp intuition and are highly perceptive individuals. They have a knack for reading people's thoughts and intentions. However, they can also be prone to suspicion and jealousy, as they have a strong need to be in control of their relationships. While Scorpios can be prone to mood swings and brooding, they are「领略更多 宝宝取名资讯请关注 :奶糖起名网,wWW.inAItaNg.cOm〗】 also incredibly resourceful. They possess an innate ability to navigate through difficult situations and emerge victorious. Scorpios are also deeply transformative individuals who are constantly seeking to evolve and grow. In conclusion, Scorpios are complex individuals who possess a unique blend of characteristics. They are mysterious, passionate, intuitive, possessive, intense, and resourceful. Despite their challenging traits, Scorpios are also incredibly loyal and supportive friends and partners.