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英雄联盟 双子座是宝石骑士
As 英雄联盟手游哪些英雄是天秤座 LOL手游星座分析速速围观
one of the 12 zodiac signs, Libra represents balance, harmony and fairness. In the game of League of Legends, Libra champions are no different. Known for their abilities in balancing both offense and defense, Libra champions are often sought after in team compositions. One of the most popular Libra champions is Janna, the Storm's Fury. Her ultimate ability, Monsoon, creates a massive whirlwind that heals allies and knocks away enemies. This ability alone can turn fights around and give the team a much-needed advantage. Furthermore, Jana's Howling Gale ability allows her to create a powerful tornado that can knock up enemies and slow them down. Her passive ability, Tailwind, also grants her and nearby allies an increase in movement speed. Another powerful Libra champion is Yasuo, the Unforgiven. His Wind Wall ability creates a wall of air that nullifies enemy projectiles and grants Yasuo additional armor penetration on his next basic attack. His ultimate ability, Last Breath, allows him to leap into the air and strike all airborne enemies within range. This can be devastating in team fights when coupled with Yasuo's ability to knock enemies airborne with his Steel Tempest ability. Last but not least, Karma, the Enlightened One, is another powerful Libra champion. Her abilities allow her to both heal and shield allies, while also damaging and slowing down enemies. Her ultimate ability, Mantra, enhances her 「阅读更多 免费起名常识请关注 :靓名网,WwW.iliANgmINg.cOm〗】other abilities, amplifying the effects and creating even greater disruption on the battlefield. The Libra champions may not be the flashiest or most powerful on their own, but they excel in their ability to maintain a balance between offense and defense. A well-played Libra champion can provide vital support to their team and tip the scales in their favor.lol 永远相信TheShy,加油


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