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As 天秤座百科 天秤座杂谈 天秤座综合 第3页
a Libra, you are known for your diplomacy, balance, and fairness. Your symbol is the scales, which represents your desire to find harmony and equality in all aspects of your life. Here is a list of Libra-related abbreviations you might encounter: 1. Libra (LIB): This is the astrological sign for people born between September 23 and October 22. 2. Scales (SC): This is a shorthand way of referring to the symbol of Libra, which represents balance and justice. 3. Venus (VEN): This planet rules over Libra and is associated with love, beauty, and harmony. 4. Air sign (AS): Libra is one of the three air signs in astrology, along with Gemini and Aquarius. Air signs are known for their intelligence, communication skills, and thoughtfulness. 5. Cardinal sign (CS): Libra is one of the four cardinal signs in astrology, along with Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn. Cardinal signs are known for their leadership, initiative, and drive. 6. Balanced (BAL): This is a common adjective used to describe Libra's personality, which is characterized by a desire for harmony and fairness. 7. Diplomatic (DIP): This is another common adjective used to describe Libra's personality, which is characterized by a talent for negotiation and mediation. 8. Relationships (REL): Libra is well-known for their love of relationships and their ability to form deep connections with others. 9. Harmony (HAR): This is a key value for Libra, who is always seeking to create balance and peace in their relationships and surroundings. 10. Fairness (FAI): Another important value for Libra, who is deeply committed to justice and equality. Overall, being a Libra is often described as a bal《领略更多 属相婚配知识请关注 :生肖运势网,Www.sheNGXIaoyUNshi.cc]ancing act between various values and priorities. Whether you're striving for fairness, harmony, or diplomacy, these qualities are a core part of your personality and identity.常见美国大学的英文简称整理,附美国各州的英文缩写


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