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第2课 突破1万词汇的秘密 词根duct 2
arius – The Root of Innovation Aquarius, the zodiac sign represented by the water-bearer, is often associated with innovation and progressive thinking. The word Aquarius itself comes from the Latin word 'aqua' meaning water, which is also the root word for words like 'aquatic' and 'aquafer'. The zodiac sign is known for its unconventional and independent nature, which often leads to new ideas{分析更多 梦境解析查询文章请关注 :橙花解梦网,WwW.iMchEngHua.coM』 and unique perspectives. Those born under Aquarius tend to question traditional ways of thinking and look for new solutions to old problems. They are often seen as visionaries and are known to have a strong desire for change. This propensity for innovation is reflected in many famous Aquarians such as Galileo, Thomas Edison, Oprah Winfrey, and Steve Jobs. The water-bearer symbolizes the pouring of new ideas and knowledge to others in the community. It represents the concept of sharing and collaboration, which is key to innovation. Aquarians are natural team players who enjoy working with others to achieve a common goal. They value diversity of ideas and are often able to see different sides to a problem. Beyond just personal traits, Aquarius also influences societal trends. The age of Aquarius refers to a predicted shift in human consciousness towards peace, love, and tolerance. This idea gained popularity in the 1960s and was embraced by many as a way to bring about a better world. In conclusion, Aquarius is more than just a zodiac sign. It represents a spirit of innovation and progressiveness that has the power to change the world. As we move forward in this new age of technology and information, it is important to embrace our inner Aquarian and continue to buck tradition and find new and better ways of doing things.善于行动与沟通的水瓶们,独特有魅力,对感情比较冷淡


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