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bra in German: Exploring the Traits of this Air Sign" As the only sign represented by an inanimate object, Libra is known for its strong sense of fairness and balance. In German, this air sign is called "Waage" which directly translates to "scales," highlighting its focus on equality and justice. Individuals born under the sign of Libra are characterized by their strong social skills and desire for harmony. They are natural peacemakers and always strive to find a compromise in any situation. In addition, they have a keen eye for beauty and aesthetics, often displaying a fondness for art and culture. However, Libras can also be indecisive and may struggle with making choices. This is due to their desire to weigh all options before m「领略更多 生肖月份查询资讯请关注 :含笑生肖性格网,wWW.iMHAnxiaO.cOM」aking a decision, as they want to ensure that everyone is satisfied and that the outcome is fair. Despite their love for socializing, Libras also value their alone time and need periods of solitude to recharge. They can be introspective and enjoy exploring their own thoughts and emotions. While Libras may avoid conflicts, they also have a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to speak up when they feel that someone is being treated unfairly. They are highly attuned to the emotions of others and strive to create a peaceful and harmonious environment in all aspects of their life. In conclusion, Libras are known for their harmonious nature, love for aesthetics, desire for balance, and strong sense of justice. Their German name "Waage" accurately represents their personality traits, as they constantly strive to maintain equilibrium and fairness in all aspects of their life.一张图告诉你德语比英语简单多了


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