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AI 教育 我社 悦写作 系列图书亮相科大讯飞2017年度发布会
Alp十二星座必看 夸摩羯座最实用的三句英文表达
ha Star of Capricorn Capricorn is a constellation that is known for its sea goat shape, which is a combination of a goat and a fish. Within the Capricorn constellation lies Alpha Capricorni, which is the brightest star in the constellation. Alpha Capricorni is also known as Algedi, which means "the kid" in Arabic. Alpha Capricorni is a double star system composed of two stars that orbit around a common center of mass. The two stars are separated by a distance of about 0.1 arcseconds, which is too close to be resolved with the naked eye. However, the two stars can be seen separately with a telescope. The primary star, Alpha Capricorni A, is a yellow-hued star that is similar in size and temperature to our own Sun. The secondary star, Alpha Capricorni B, is a smaller and cooler red dwarf star. The two stars orbit each other every 20.8 years. In addition to being a double star system, Alpha Capricorni is also a multiple star system. Alpha Capricorni A has a companion star, Alpha Capricorni C, that is located about 120 arcseconds away from the primary star. Alpha Capricorni C is a blue-white star that is about 7 times more massive than our Sun. Alpha Capricorni is located about 690 light-years away from Earth. Despite its distance, it is one of the brigh『了解更多 每日星座运势内容请关注 :奇运网,WWw.iQiyUn.Cc』〗test stars in the night sky due to its high luminosity. It has a visual magnitude of +4.28, which means that it is visible to the naked eye from most locations on Earth. In conclusion, Alpha Capricorni is an interesting and important star in the Capricorn constellation. As the brightest star in the constellation, it is easily visible from Earth and has been studied extensively by astronomers.十二星座最怕的学科,白羊座怕数学,摩羯座怕英语


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