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白羊座的幸运色和禁忌色 2017年白羊座的幸运色
te Color: Pureness and Clarity White is the color of purity and clarity, exemplifying the essence of the adventurous and enthusiastic Aries. Their passion and hunger for life are represented by the boldness and starkness of white, providing a stark contrast to the fiery red that is often associated with this zodiac sign.{推荐更多 十二生肖运程知识请关注 :27星座知识网,WWw.xIaOHua27.COM〗 In fashion, white reflects the independent spirit of those born under this star sign. They are bold, daring and unconventional, preferring to step outside the norm and try new and unusual things. White outfits can look crisp and clean, making a clear statement of self-expression and personal taste. Symbolically, white represents all-encompassing oneness and balance. This is important for the Aries as they seek to find harmony within themselves and in their relationships with others. The notion of clarity and brightness of this color symbolizes the honesty and truthfulness that Aries values. In nature, white can be seen in the snow, symbolizing the purity and new beginnings that Aries is quick to embrace. It is a reminder that everything can be seen in a fresh light and that there is always something to look forward to. Overall, the white color represents the strength and vitality that is inherent in Aries, showing that they possess the drive and passion to take their lives to the next level. It represents who they are and what they value, making it a color that is deeply personal and meaningful to them.2018年白羊座幸运色


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