e Story Behind Libra: The Symbol of Balance and Justice" The Zodiac sign of Libra is represented by a pair of scales, symbolizing balance and justice. But what is the story behind this sign? According to ancient mythology, the scales were『领略更多 星座知识请关注 :星座运势网,wwW.xinGzuoYunSHi.CC〗 held by the Greek goddess Themis, who was associated with justice and law. Themis was said to be the mother of the three Fates, who controlled the destinies of humans. In another version of the story, the scales were held by the goddess Astraea, who was the last of the immortals to leave Earth during the Iron Age. She was said to have left behind the scales as a reminder of the importance of balance and justice in human affairs. Regardless of the mythological origin, the scales of Libra have long been associated with fairness, harmony, and diplomacy. People born under this sign are said to be natural peacemakers, always striving for balance and equality in all areas of life. However, the scales of Libra have also been known to tip in either direction, reflecting the dual nature of this sign. Like a pendulum, Libras can swing from one extreme to the other, from optimism to pessimism, from generosity to selfishness, from idealism to cynicism. Overall, the story behind Libra reflects the eternal struggle for balance and justice in the world. Whether held by a goddess or a human being, the scales remind us of the importance of fairness, harmony, and diplomacy in our lives. As we strive to find our own balance and justice, we can look to the symbol of Libra for guidance and inspiration.