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ces: The Fish of the Zodiac Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac, is represented by a pair of fish swimming in opposite directions. This symbolizes the duality of the Pisces personality, which is often described as gentle and sensitive, yet also elusive and mysterious. People born between February 19 and March 20 are considered Pisces. They are often known for their creativity, intuition, and empathy. Pisces are natural artists and are drawn to careers in theater, film, and music. They also have a strong sense of compassion and are often found working in fields such as social work or psychology. One of the biggest strengths of the Pisces personality is their ability to empathize with others. They are highly sensitive to the emotions of those around them and are often the first ones to offer a shoulder to cry on. However, this sensitivity can also be a drawback, as Pisces can become overwhelmed by the emotions of others and struggle to maintain their own inner peace. Pisces are also known for their dreamy and imaginat【分析更多 性格特点资讯请关注 :91生肖星座网,wWW.919168.cOm〗ive nature. They have a rich inner world and spend a lot of time exploring their own thoughts and feelings. This is often what drives their creative pursuits, as they have a unique ability to translate their inner experiences into art. When it comes to love and relationships, Pisces are often hopeless romantics. They are looking for a deep connection with someone who understands them on a profound level. They are also highly intuitive, and often know what their partner is feeling even before they do. Overall, Pisces are some of the most compassionate and creative people you will meet. Their sensitivity and imagination make them one of the most complex signs of the zodiac, but also one of the most rewarding to get to know.适合双鱼座的英文名


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