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美国15岁少年发明测癌试纸 测癌精确度超过90
Bri逆天解析AI黑暗科技 人工智能或将取代家长,2岁孩子掌握两国语言已经实现
tish invention measures brain age Researchers at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom have developed a new method for determining a person's "brain age," which could have implications for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. The system, called the Oxford Brain Age Test (OBAT), uses MRI scans to detect changes in the brain's gray matter, which can indicate normal aging, neurodegenerative disease, or even brain injury. The software then calculates a person's brain age based on these changes. The researchers tested the OBAT on a group of 48 healthy adults and found that the results closely matched the actual age of the participants, within an average of 3.8 years. The test was also able to accurately identify individuals who showed signs of age-related brain deterioration. According to the study's lead author, Professor James Rowe, the OBAT could eventually be used to identify people who are at risk for developing conditions like dementia, Parkinson's disease, or multiple sclerosis. It could also help doctors to gauge the effectiveness of treatments for these conditions, as well as for brain injuries or strokes. However, the 『浏览更多 婚配文章请关注 :运程网,wWW.iYUnchENg.cC』researchers caution that the OBAT is still in the early stages of development and will need further testing and refinement before it can be used clinically. They also emphasize that the test is not intended to replace other diagnostic methods, such as cognitive tests or brain scans. While the OBAT is a significant breakthrough in the field of neurology, it is just one example of the many innovative tools and techniques being developed to better understand the human brain. As our knowledge of this complex organ continues to evolve, we may one day have a better understanding of how it functions, what causes neurological disorders, and how we can cure them.左脑与右脑相结合 才是一个温暖而有智慧的人


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