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to Change the Author Names in Word Comments to Titles and Write a 313-Word Article If you use Microsoft Word regularly, you may have received or reviewed a document with comments from different people. By default, Word assigns the commenter's name as the author of the comment. However, sometimes it may be more suitable to display their job title, role, or affiliation instead of their name. Here's how you can change the author names in Word comments to titles: Step 1: Open the document that has the comments you want to modify. Step 2: Click on the "Review" tab, then select "Track Changes" and "Change User Name." Step 3: In the "W{领略更多 12星座配对资讯请关注 :奶糖星座网,wWw.inAItaNg.cC』ord Options" pop-up window, type in the name you want to change in the "Current User Name" field, and then type in the corresponding title in the "New User Name" field. Click "OK" to save the changes. Step 4: The comments are now updated with the new author's title. Now that you know how to change the author's names in Word comments to titles, you may wonder, "What's the best way to use titles in documents?" Titles can serve several purposes, such as providing context, adding credibility, or enhancing the clarity of information. Here are some examples: - In a business report, include the job title of employees who contributed to the document. Doing so shows that the information is coming from multiple sources and provides readers with an idea of their background and expertise. - In academic papers, it's common to display the author's name and institutional affiliation. This helps readers understand who wrote the article and their academic credentials. - In legal documents, attorneys often use titles to identify the parties involved in a case. This makes it easier for readers to keep track of who is doing what in the document. - In resumes, job seekers typically highlight their professional titles to emphasize their skills, responsibility, and experience. Changing the author's names in Word comments to titles is a straightforward process that can be done in a few steps. Effective use of titles in documents can improve their readability, professionalism, and persuasive power.Word怎么改批注颜色


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