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A G26个英文字母在单词中的发音
lee of G's Gleeful and gorgeous, the G's gather in great gaggles, gabbing and giggling. They glide and graze, playing games and gossiping about glamorous goings-on in grandiose locales. Gentle yet gutsy, the G's exude a sense of grace and grit. They gallop gallantly, gyrating with gusto, and generally giving off a feeling of geniality and goodwill. Gradually, the group grows, attracting new members and generating even more glee. G's from every corner of the globe are welcome, each bringing their own gifts of glowing charm and glorious personality. Gazing up at the golden sun, the G's glow with gratitude for the good fortunes they've garnered. They guffaw and guzzle, gulping down gallons of gin and tonic, giggling and gabbing about whatever grabs their fancy. Gradually, the sun begins to set, casting golden rays across the gathering. The G's gather round, glowing with glee and good humor, grateful for the great company they've kept. As the evening wears on and the stars twinkle overhead, the G's gradually wind down, yawning and stretching as they head home. They wave goodbye to each other, grateful for the great fun they've had, and looking forward to the great times yet to come. What a glorious, genial group they are - the G's, gleeful and gutsy, (分析更多 12星座爱情配对大全文章请关注 :米兰星座查询网,WWw.imILan.Cc」glamorous and gracious, and always grateful for the good company they keep!如何学习英语音标


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