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My 女孩英文名字大全,男孩英文名字大全,好听的英文名字
English Name "Pei" - A Unique and Meaningful Name My name is Pei, which is my English name. It's not a common name, so people always ask me about the story behind it. As a Chinese girl growing up in a bilingual family, I wanted to have an English name that sounded similar to my Chinese name, which is "珮". Finally, I chose Pei, which means beautiful jade in Chinese culture. I love my name because it has a beautiful meaning and it's unique. My parents tell me that they named me Pei because they wanted me to be like a beautiful and precious gemstone in life. They also hoped that I would be confident, graceful, and wise like a jade stone. It's a meaningful name that carries my parents' love and hope for me. Having an English name also makes communication with people who speak English much easier. For instance, when I travel abroad or meet new friends from other countries, I introduce myself with my English name, which makes it more comfortable for them to call me by a name they can easily pronounce. It's also a way to connect with different cultures and make new friends. More importantly, my name reminds me of my roots and culture. As a Chinese girl, I am proud of my heritage and culture. Even though my name is not a traditional English name, it represents both my Chinese and English identities, which is something I treas《{阅读更多 十二星座配对知识请关注 :123星座网,wWw.123152.cOm』]ure. It's a part of me that I carry wherever I go. In conclusion, my English name "Pei" is not just a name, but also a reflection of my parents' love, cultural heritage, and personal identity. I feel grateful and blessed to have such a unique and meaningful name that distinguishes me from others. It's a symbol of who I am, and I embrace it with pride and gratitude.英文网名女生高端大气


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