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当我离开你 战胜绝症小说家的生命赞歌,使千万欧美读者重获活下去的勇气
国外父母喜欢用小说人物给孩子起名, 哈利波特 的卢娜最受欢迎
Scarlett, why did you name your daughter Melanie?” Ashley had always been curious about Scarlett's choice of name for her child. After all, Melanie had been the woman Ashley loved before he married Scarlett. As they sat in the garden, Scarlett took a sip of her tea and smiled. "I named her after the woman who saved my life." Ashley looked at her in surprise. "What do you mean?" Scarlett leaned back and closed her eyes. "It was during the war, when I was fleeing Atlanta. I was injured and about to be captured by the Yankees when Melanie found me. She hid me in her home and nursed me back to health. She risked everything to save me and I never forgot her kindness." Ashley nodded in understanding. "She was a remarkable woman." Scarlett sighed. "Yes, she was. And naming my daughter after her was the least I could do to honor her memory." Just then, their son, Rhett, ran into the garden. "Mommy, Daddy, come quick! Bonnie has climbed onto the roof!" Scarlett and Ashley quickly rose from their chairs and followed Rhett to the house. As Scarlett look《『浏览更多 小孩起名文章请关注 :起名网,WwW.imqiMIng.cOm」】ed up at Bonnie, who was standing on the rooftop, she couldn't help but think of how much her daughter reminded her of herself. All of her children were important to her, but Melanie held a special place in her heart. She had named her after a woman who had shown her compassion and courage during one of the most difficult times in her life. As they coaxed Bonnie down from the roof, Scarlett couldn't help but feel grateful for the people who had made a difference in her life, just like Melanie had. And she knew that the legacy of her daughter's name would always remind her of that.看漫画与读小说不可兼得 火遍欧美的图像小说了解一下 内含福利


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