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we name a durian after a cat? Durian, also known as the "king of fruits" in southeast Asia, is a spiky and pungent fruit with a unique taste and aroma. While some people find the taste exquisite, others can't stand the odor, which has been likened to rotting flesh or stale gym socks. On the other hand, cats are adorable and lovable pets that have a special place in many people's hearts. Their cute appearance, playful behavior, and soothing purring make them perfect companions for humans. But can we really combine these two seemingly unrelated things? Can we name a durian after a cat? The answer is yes, we can. In fact, there is already a durian variety called "Musang King" (literally "cat king" in Malay), which is one of the most popular and expensive durians in the world. The name "Musang King" is related to the civet cat, which is known in Malay as "musang." The civet cat, which is native to Southeast Asia, has a special affinity for durians and is often seen eating the fruit in the wild. Therefore, the name "Musang King" is a tribute to this furry critter that loves durians as much as humans do. So, it's not only possible but also common to name durians after cats. However, we need to keep in mind that the name of a fruit is not just a random choice but reflects its characteristics, flavor, and market value. Therefore, a durian n{领略更多 12星座配对资讯请关注 :奶糖星座网,wWw.inAItaNg.cC』amed after a cat should have some desirable traits, such as a strong aroma, a creamy texture, and a sweet taste, that make it stand out from other varieties. In conclusion, while some people may find it strange to name a durian after a cat, it's actually a common practice in Southeast Asia, where both fruits and pets are highly valued. As long as the name reflects the quality and uniqueness of the durian, there's no harm in giving it a feline-inspired name. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have a durian named after your favorite cat.主人给猫咪吃榴莲,猫咪的反应太逗了,差点笑喷了


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