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RICORNUS Capricornus, also known as the goat, is the tenth zodiac sign, symbolizing ambition and discipline. People born under this sign are often characterized as hardworking and goal-oriented, striving for success and recognition in their personal and professional lives. Capricorns are known for their practicality, preferring to rely on their own resources rather than relying on others. They are diligent and responsible, often taking on leadership roles in their careers or communities. Despite their focus on achievement, Capricorns also value tradition and stability, making them reliable partners and friend〔推荐更多 十二星座内容请关注 :姻缘配对网,wWW.ipEIDui.Cc』)s. However, this dedication to success can lead to workaholic tendencies and a tendency to neglect their personal well-being. Capricorns should remember to take time for rest and self-care, as well as balancing their professional aspirations with their personal relationships. In love, Capricorns can be slow to open up, but once committed, they are loyal and dependable. However, they may struggle with expressing their emotions, leading to a reputation for being reserved or distant. Overall, Capricorns possess a strong sense of ambition and determination, working tirelessly to achieve their goals. While this drive can lead to success and accomplishment, it is important for them to also prioritize their well-being and relationships for a balanced and fulfilling life.英语中的这些拉丁文缩写你分清了吗


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