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颜值高 寓意好 味道赞的过年常备菜肴,简单实惠,好吃又好看
As 俄罗斯新年菜肴,你pick哪个
we enter the Lunar New Year, many families and friends gather around the table to enjoy traditional dishes. However, have you ever thought about giving these dishes a new English name? Here are some suggestions to add some fun and excitement to your New Year's feast: 1. "Prosperity Toss" instead of Yusheng Yusheng, a popular dish in Southeast Asian countries, is a salad made of raw fish, vegetables and various condiments. It is commonly known as a dish for good luck, wealth, and prosperity. Why not call it "Prosperity Toss"? This new name emphasizes the tradition of tossing the ingredients high in the air, symbolizin(分析更多 12星座爱情配对大全文章请关注 :米兰星座查询网,WWw.imILan.Cc」g an increase in fortune and success. 2. "Golden Coins" instead of Fried Dumplings Fried dumplings, also known as potstickers or gyoza, are a staple during Chinese New Year. They are said to resemble gold ingots, which symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The new name "Golden Coins" highlights this aspect of the dish and is also a more descriptive title. 3. "Spring Rolls" instead of Egg Rolls Egg rolls are a popular Chinese-American dish, traditionally filled with cabbage, carrots, and sometimes meat. However, they are often fried and can be quite greasy. A fresher and more appetizing name for this dish is "Spring Rolls". It emphasizes the use of fresh vegetables, and the crispy texture and lightness of the wrap. 4. "Good Fortune Soup" instead of Buddha's Delight Buddha's Delight, or Luo Han Zhai in Chinese, literally means "vegetarian dish of the Arhats". It is a popular vegetarian dish during the Lunar New Year, but the name may not be familiar to those outside of the Chinese community. A new name that reflects the auspicious meaning of the dish is "Good Fortune Soup". The soup symbolizes a bountiful and fortunate new year. In conclusion, renaming traditional Lunar New Year's dishes in English can add a fun and quirky aspect to your New Year's festivities. It can also help non-Chinese speakers to better understand and appreciate the meaning behind each dish. So go ahead and give it a try, and let the good times roll!啤酒灌香肠,新年菜肴怎么能少了它,易储藏又好吃


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