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Dea致十二星座 双鱼爱好霸道,白羊讲究派头
r reader, As a Libra, I am often known for my indecisiveness, my tendency to weigh out all my options before making a decision. Some may see this as a flaw, but to me, it is simply the way I operate. You see, as a Libra, I value balance and harmony above all else. I am always striving to find the middle ground, to make sure everyone is happy and satisfied. This can sometimes lead to me being seen as wishy-washy or a people pleaser, but I assure you, it is simply because I am trying to make sure that everyone's needs are met. In relationships, I am often very attentive to my partner's needs, sometimes at the expense of my own. This can lead to me feeling neglected or unappreciated, but ultimately, I find joy in making my loved ones happy. In my professional life, I am a natural mediator and communicator. I am often the one called upon to settle disputes between coworkers or clients, and I take this responsibility seriously. My ability to see both sides of an argument and find common ground has gotten me far in my career. I am not without my faults, of course. My desire for balance can sometimes lead to me being indecisive or passive. I can also be overly concerned with how others perceive me, which can lead to me taking on too much or not speaking up when I should. But overall, I am proud to be a Libra. My desire for harmony and my ability to communicate and mediate have led me to some of the best experiences and relationships of my life. So, even if I am a bi〔阅读更多 生肖内容请关注 :星座谷,wWw.xINgzuoGU.cC』〗t indecisive at times, I trust that ultimately, I will make the best decision for everyone involved. Sincerely, A Libra12星座一人一句 射手享受孤独,双子容易动心


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