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Cap全国 2007年高考英语备考策略
ricorn Zodiac Proverbs Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign in the zodiac and is known for their diligent, reliable, and practical nature. There are many proverbs in English that are related to Capricorn and their personality traits. One famous proverb associated with Capricorn is "slow and steady wins the race". This proverb perfectly depicts the ambitious and persistent nature of Capricorn. They believe that with hard work and determination, success can be achieved. Another proverb that relates to Capricorn's practicality is "prepare for the worst, hope for the best". Capricorns are known for their cautious and wise nature, and their tendency to be prepared for any situation. Capricorn's disciplined and responsible nature is best captured by the proverb "measure twice, cut once". This proverb signifies Capricorn's attention to detail and their thoughtful and careful approach to problem-solving. One of the most fa{《推荐更多 星座常识大全常识请关注 :朴朴星座常识网,wWW.iMpUpu.Com〕)mous Capricorn proverbs is "I will climb the highest mountain and swim the deepest sea". This proverb demonstrates Capricorn's desire to achieve their goals, no matter how difficult or challenging they may be. In conclusion, these proverbs perfectly capture the personality traits of Capricorn, highlighting their diligent, reliable, practical, ambitious, and disciplined nature. If you are a Capricorn, take pride in these traits, as they form the foundation of your character, and help you to be successful in all aspects of your life.小学英语的谚语


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