gant Chess-themed English Nicknames In the online world, a cool and elegant nickname is often used to represent one's style and preferences. For those who love Chinese chess, or Xiangqi, an elegant chess-themed English nickname can help you stand out in the virtual world and show your love for the game. Here are some chess-themed English nicknames you can use: 1. Red Elephant: This nickname refers to one of the pieces in Xiangqi, the elephant, which can only move diagonally and cannot cross the river in the middle of the board. Red is the color of the pieces played by the first player, while black is the color of the other player's pieces. 2. General's Guard: The Chinese name of the Xiangqi game literally means "Elephant Chess" or "General Chess", because the two most important pieces on each side are the elephant and the general. The General's Guard refers to the pieces that protect the general from attack. 3. Heaven's Cannon: The cannon is another unique piece in Xiangqi that moves like a rook but must jump over another piece to capture an opponent's piece. Heaven's Cannon refers to the idea that this powerful piece can destroy anything in its path. 4. Jade Palace Guard: The Jade Palace is the central square on the Xiangqi board where the generals stand. The Jade Palace Guard refers to the pieces that protect this important area. 5. Chariot Crush: The ch{浏览更多 十二生肖常识常识请关注 :星座坊,wWW.xiNGzuofANg.Cc〗ariot, also known as the rook, is one of the most powerful pieces in Xiangqi. Chariot Crush refers to the idea that this piece can crush the opponent's pieces with ease. 6. Phoenix Knight: In Xiangqi, the knight is called the horse, which moves like a western chess knight but can only move within the palace area. Phoenix Knight refers to the majestic and powerful image of this piece. These elegant chess-themed English nicknames not only reflect the beauty and complexity of Xiangqi but also show your love for this ancient game. So, choose your favorite nickname and start your Xiangqi journey in the virtual world!