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ing buildings and roads is an important aspect of campus development. It helps to identify and distinguish different facilities on campus and provide a convenient navigation system for students, staff, and visitors. Here are some suggestions for naming buildings and roads in our school. Buildings: 1. Pioneer Hall: This building could be named after the pioneers who founded the school. 2. Innovation Tower: This name would be perfect for a building that houses research labs and technology-driven programs. 3. Learning Center: A building that provides resources for students to study and learn could be named after its function. 4. Student Commons: A building that provides students with a place to gather and socialize could be named as such. 5. Leadership Institute: A building that teaches leadership skills and promotes leadership development could be named the Leadership Institute. Roads: 1. Discovery Drive: This road could be named after the process of discovery that students go through in their academic journey. 2. Harmony Lane: A r{研习更多 十二星座的月份表知识请关注 :88星座网,wWw.88Xz.cC』)oad that runs through a peaceful and harmonious part of campus could be named after its surroundings. 3. Progress Path: A road that symbolizes progress and growth could be named as such. 4. Unity Way: A road that connects different parts of campus and symbolizes togetherness and unity could be named Unity Way. 5. Nature Trail: A road that runs through a natural and scenic area of campus, such as a park or forest, could be named after its surroundings. In conclusion, naming buildings and roads in our school is a great way to honor the school's heritage, reflect its values, and provide convenience for its students and visitors. The suggested names above are just a few examples, but they demonstrate the diversity of possibilities for naming campus facilities. Ultimately, the names chosen should reflect the unique character and mission of our school.招考速递 青岛西海岸新区音乐学校普高专业班招生简章


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