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这些 乳名 不光土气,还容易伤害孩子自尊,家长别再给娃取了
"Ug有种教养原则叫做 温和而坚定
ly and Stupid": A Name That Does Not Define a Child Choosing a name for a child is an important decision that parents make. It is a way 「领略更多 生肖月份查询资讯请关注 :含笑生肖性格网,wWW.iMHAnxiaO.cOM」to express their hopes and dreams for their child. However, there are some parents who make an unfavorable choice, such as naming their child "Ugly and Stupid." It is difficult to imagine why any parent would choose to give their child a name that could have such negative connotations. Perhaps it is a form of humor or an attempt to be unique. However, it is important to remember that a child's name can have a lasting impact on their self-esteem and how others perceive them. While a child's name may not define them completely, it can influence how they view themselves and how others view them. "Ugly and Stupid" could cause a child to feel insecure and ashamed of their identity. They may be subject to teasing and may struggle to make friends. It is important for parents to consider the potential consequences of the name they choose for their child. As a society, we must also consider how we treat individuals with unconventional names. It is easy to judge someone based on their name, but it is important to remember that a name does not define a person's character or abilities. In conclusion, choosing a name for a child is a significant responsibility for parents. It is essential to select a name that will not have a negative impact on a child's self-esteem or their ability to succeed in life. "Ugly and Stupid" is a name that should never be considered. Instead, parents should choose a name that reflects positivity and potential for their child's future.现在家长给娃取名多随便 网友 我叫阑珊, 多美的名字, 可我姓刘


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