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sationalizing the Sign: Naming in English of the Taurus Zodiac The Taurus zodiac sign is known in English as the bull. Those born under the sign are said to be dependable, determined, sensual, and materialistic. They are represented by the element of earth and the planet Venus. When it comes to naming, those who identify with the Taurus sign may resonate with names that reflect「领略更多 起名用字资讯请关注 :牡丹起名网,wWW.mUdAn365.coC』 their personality traits. For instance, names like Rockwell or Mason typify dependability and determination, while names like Hope or Faith connote sensuality and materialism. The sign is no stranger in popular culture and its depiction in literature, music, and cinema has influenced how people name their children. For instance, the name Dakota is popular among Taurus-born individuals thanks to its association with the iconic dance sequence in the movie Footloose. Similarly, the name Angus has become popular among those born under the Taurus sign due to its association with the Scottish beef. In astrology, the Taurus sign is said to be 840 million years old and predates the earliest known civilizations. Perhaps the most famous (and feared) of all zodiac signs, one can only imagine the countless number of Taurus-named characters from mythology, literature, and folklore throughout the ages. Interestingly, the bull has also gained significance in branding and advertising. Companies like Lamborghini and Red Bull have harnessed the powerful symbolism and image of the Taurus in their marketing campaigns. In conclusion, naming in English of the Taurus zodiac sign is a fascinating study on how cultural characteristics can shape people's name choices. From literature to branding, the bull has become a symbol of dependability, determination, sensuality, and materialism in our modern world.金牛男女 耽于享乐 有点懒惰


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